Course of Study

In the first year of study:

  • Students are immersed in intense and rigorous classes in Acting (Contemporary Techniques), Movement, Voice, Speech (Stage Speech/IPA), Theatre History and Text Analysis.
  • The first year involves ensemble building, learning and applying a shared vocabulary, and addressing habits and tensions in body and voice. Improvisational work and devised creations are explored alongside contemporary scene work.
  • The first year culminates in an MFA ensemble performance in the Helen Theatre.
  • The apprenticeship with CPH begins this year with classes/workshops with resident and visiting artists, introductions to all incoming casts, directors and designers, and Company status at all CPH functions. Students have possible performance and understudy assignments in CPH’s season and New Ground Theatre Festival.

The second year:

  • Students continue their intensive training, and are introduced to a wide range of movement styles and more complex texts.
  • The program moves into the modern era and there is a particular focus on the classics: Chekhov, Ibsen, Shakespeare and Shaw among others are explored.
  • Students are involved in classroom workshop presentations, singing tutorials and possible performance and understudy assignments in CPH’s season and New Ground Theatre Festival.
  • The class also performs in fully produced MFA ensemble productions each semester in the Helen Theatre.

The third year:

  • Multiple performance experiences including a final ensemble production in The Helen Theatre, along with mainstage and understudy work with CPH, leading to full membership with Actors’ Equity Association.
  • In conjunction with CPH, the class participates in a New Play Development Workshop (First Flight) with visiting professionals.
  • Depending on the extent of CPH opportunities, other performances are developed, such as workshop productions and/or fully staged presentations.
  • Each student presents a final solo show (Solo Flight) as an expression of their personal aesthetic and area of interest.
  • At the end of the year, MFA candidates present an Actor’s Showcase for agents, managers, casting directors and Industry professionals in New York City. Recent graduates have generated dozens of interviews and signed with major agents and managers.